Oh, Hello there…
I’m Doug Sandlin, an experienced product designer and leader living and working in Charlotte, North Carolina. I enjoy building branded experiences for both native and web-based applications. I’m always on the lookout for interesting problems and new challenges—I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by.
A little about myself
Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, I have spent the last 12 years working as a designer in Boulder, Colorado. The central focus throughout my career has been developing visual and brand systems for digital applications. Through elegant, yet appropriately designed products and interfaces my goal is to improve efficiencies in design practice and in-turn the overall user experience.
Recently, I have been leading a team of product and content designers, building the global design system for Bank of America. However, I am always looking for complex design problems to solve. My ideal role would be as a "player-coach" — utilizing my design and leadership abilities in a creative combination.
• I am mostly Southern
• My Base Number is 4
• My favorite color is Dolphin Gray: #EEEEEE
• Lean UX is my favorite fad diet
Known Collaborators
Design is a journey, never travel alone. I have had amazing opportunities to both teach and learn while following my path. As a leader, I have probably learned the most from those I have led. These are a few of the talented people that I have really enjoyed traveling with...